Aborted, Ankor, Asphyx, Before the Dawn, Born of Osiris, Brothers of Metal, Burning Witches, Delain, Dynazty, Eclipse, Emmure, Future Palace, Ignea, Jinjer, Lord of the Lost, Megahertz, Meshuggah, Motionless in White, Neaera, Nestor, Orden Ogan, Paleface Swiss, Obscura, Sodom, Spiritbox, Sylosis, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Night Eternal, Unearth, Warkings, Whitechapel
Dinkelsbühl (DE)
Date du 13 au 17 août 2024
Chroniqueur -
Photographe François Feleki
14 août
Ankor, Brothers of Metal, Emmure, Lord of the Lost, Meshuggah, Obscura, Sylosis
15 août
Aborted, Born of Osiris, Dynazty, Ignea, Jinjer, Paleface Swiss, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Night Eternal
16 août
Delain, Future Palace, Megahertz, Motionless in White, Neaera, Warkings, Whitechapel
17 août
Asphyx, Before the Dawn, Burning Witches, Eclipse, Nestor, Orden Ogan, Sodom, Spiritbox, Unearth